Transformation Challenge

Our Transformation Challenges provide the programming, education, motivation, and structure to experience significant personal change, and create knowledge and habits for lasting success!

Accelerate your Success and Win the Battle Within...

It's YOU vs YOU!

Our Transformation Challenges are different.

A short-term focus to create long-term habits.

A program designed to teach you the skills, knowledge, and habits around movement, nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle, to help you regain the energy, confidence, physique, and life you dream of!

Our Top 10, on average, lose 1kg per week, whilst enhancing strength, fitness, stability, mobility, and health!

The Transformation Challenge is rarely enough time to achieve an end goal for most people, but it is enough time to create a significant shift and massive momentum towards your dream life with habits formed for ongoing success. We want to help you build the best version of you, and teach you how to maintain it, for a life rich in experiences, happiness, and health.

More than weight loss, we aim for physical, psychological, and lifestyle transformation!



What's Included...

  • Full Club Membership
  • Unlimited Group Personal Training
  • Evolt 360 Body Composition Analysis
  • App Based Programming
  • Complete Weekly Schedule
  • Progressive Strength & Interval Training
  • Personalised Nutrition Profile
  • Sample Meal Plan
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Support, Accountability, Education, & Motivation

Register NOW & Train for FREE until the Challenge Starts!

Transforming Your Body, Mind, & Lifestyle

Squashbrook Fitness & Leisure © 2020 | Privacy Policy

297 Commercial St West, Mt Gambier, SA 5290

Phone: (08) 8725 5351